It's that time of year again...bucket shower days in the dog days of summer. I actually couldn't even get a good bucket shower this morning at home and had to shower in the bathrooms at work. I think the cleaning ladies got a kick out of that and I know the guys in my office do because they tease me about it :-P But se la vie, when the farmers near Gracanica need to irrigate their fields, I have to do without water or enough pressure. Perhaps one of these days they will separate the residential water supply from the agriculture supply...but I doubt that I will still be here when that happens.
The power is being regulated four on-two off in my area. I heard that KEK is going to start regulating power based on the payment of individual bills. So if you pay more than 55% of your monthly power bill, you will not have power cuts. If you pay between 25-55%, you will have five on-one off. If you don't pay or pay up to 25%, you will have four on- two off. Of course, I still have never received a power bill and I again heard that Serbia is sending power to Kosovo for some of the Serbian areas...but I doubt that Gracanica is included in that list because of its location.