Thursday, March 2, 2006

Surprise Reshuffle of Kosovo Government

Surprising developments occurred yesterday in the local Albanian Kosovo government.  The President of the Assembly (Parliament) was sacked from his position by his own party (LDK - Democratic League of Kosovo).  Then late last night, the Prime Minister, Bajram Kosumi, caved into pressure by his party (Alliance for the Future of Kosovo - AAK) and resigned.  These two parties are part of the ruling coalition and Kosumi is said to have stepped down amid threats that unless he did, the coalition would lose its small majority in the parliament. 
The New Prime Minister:  Agim Ceku is a former KLA commander and General in Croatia during that 1990's and will be acting as the PM until elections take place.  Ceku is an unusual choice to serve as PM as he is the head of the Kosovo Protection Corps (TMK) and has been accused of war crimes by Serbia for his actions in the Croatian conflict.  Approximately three years ago, he was detained in Slovenia by authorities and that lead to a temporary boycott of Slovenian products by many Albanians as Ceku is viewed as one of the KLA "war heroes".