Tuesday, May 9, 2006

Fourth Round of Talks - No Solution

The fourth round of status/decentralization talks between Serb and Albanian negotiators ended with again no agreement on how to solve the issue of ethnic municipalities in Kosovo.  The Serbian side is seeking to have 15 Serbian municipalities in addition to the existing five while the Albanian team is considering the creation of only three.  The next round of talks are scheduled to begin on May 23rd and will focus on the issues of religious and cultural sites and their protection.
In other news, it was reported on Saturday (6 May) that unknown persons opened fire on a vehicle carrying a Serbian priest, his wife, and the couple's 6-month and 3-year old children.  The vehicle belongs to the Rasko-Prizren monastery and was traveling through a prominently Albanian area on the road to the Sokolic monastery (near Mitrovica).  There were no injuries and the matter has been referred to KPS.