Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Hopefully Fixed!!!

Whew...I just finished going back and correcting the old posts that showed up blank.  Hopefully I got all of them :)

In the news, with the upcoming elections, Thaci has been called out by the European Parliament for Kosovo representative, Ulrike Lunacek, over his promise that Kosovo would have visa liberalization within 15 months of his re-election.  Thaci has also promised to raise salaries which directly violates Kosovo's agreement with the IMF over the amount of Kosovo's GDP that goes towards salaries.  Of course, this wouldn't be the first time that a politician has made false promises but I'm not sure if they have been so publicly refuted!

28 November marks Flag Day in Kosovo.  Several Vetevendosje activists were arrested in Lipjan during the celebrations for replacing the state flags of Kosovo with Albanian flags.  Vetevendosje activists in Gjakova prevented other members from being arrested and said that the police of "insulted the activists, the whole movement and leader Albin Kurti, calling him a pro-Serb element."  Ummm, yeah, isn't this the same guy that's running on a platform of Albanian unification and Greater Albania???

After news emerged about Enver Sekiraqa living free in Ireland, he reportedly has been arrested and is being held by Irish police.  However, Kosovo may face difficulty over extraditing him to stand trial for crimes committed in Kosovo as there currently is no extradition treaty between Ireland and Kosovo.  Does this all sound a bit familiar?

Al-Jazeera has published an interesting article about how Kosovars tolerate fake marriages to obtain residency and citizenship abroad.  According to the article, Kosovar men often divorce their Kosovar wives, go abroad and marry Westerners until they get residency.  Then they divorce their second wives and bring their Kosovar families abroad with them.