On 10 February, an avalanche buried the village of Restelica. Amazingly a 5-year-old girl was pulled out from under 10 meters (33 feet) of snow that killed nine other members of her family including her parents.
MTCowgirl's Kosovo News
- Rising domestic violence in Kosovo worries experts
- NATO updates plans for Kosovo drawdown
- Kosovo has highest unemployment rate in Western Balkans
- Kosovo judiciary endures threats and lack of security
- US Ambassador, Christopher Dell, ends mandate in Kosovo
It has been a while so here is MTCowgirl's Interesting News/Commentary...
As usual, these articles do not reflect personal opinion but were found to be "interesting"
- Kosovo farmer blames KFOR for stressed chickens
- Dutch politician says Balkan people are not Europeans
- Mercedes-Benz refuses to deal with government contractors over concerns on Kosovo corruption
- Tales from the US Embassy in Pristina...the lovesick American who needed a loan...twice
- Art and identity in Kosovo