Saturday, August 26, 2006

Explosion in North Mitro Injures 2 Internationals

An explosion, reported from a hand grenade, ripped through the Dolce Vita cafe in North Mitrovica on Saturday night injuring nine, including a British UN police officer and a "heavily pregnant" Danish woman.  KPS quickly responded and apprehended an ethnic Albanian teenager who was believed to be fleeing the scene.  Following the bomb blast, a few hundred Serbs gathered to protest the incident and a Albanian vehicle was stoned, injuring a 57-year old woman.  The Serb residents of Mitrovica are demanding that the main Ibar bridge, a symbol of the division between the two communities, be closed until the status of the province is decided. 
Serbian government officials are condemning statements made by UN Special Envoy Ahtisaari that essentially there is already a solution to Kosovo (independence) and that it only needs to be enforced.  Some Serbian officials are even declaring that Albanian extremists took Ahtisaari's comments to heart and the attack was a response.  It is rumored that the Serbian negotiation delegation may request for Ahtisaari to be replaced as the recent comments seem to take away his neutrality for negotiating the solution.