Friday, May 2, 2008


After a warm & sunny Labour Day holiday it is difficult to return back to work for one day but here I am on a beautiful, sunny Friday :~(  Germia Park and Baklava Lake were full of people relaxing and Mother Theresa was crowded with pedestrians yesterday as everyone kicked back and enjoyed the great spring weather.  It seems that spring is finally here as of last week and the sweaters are being packed away until next winter.
This weekend Dj Vegas & Friends are going out to do charity distribution in the Gnjilane Region to the different ethnicities (we always cover all the different ethnicities in Kosovo!)  I will no doubt have pictures and stories from the trip to share on Monday.  A great problem that I have noticed is perhaps due to a lack of education but the families that live in poverty in Kosovo seem to have more children than they can care for which is sad because the children really suffer a miserable existence.  I know that I will have fun tomorrow shopping for toys for the kids and there is great satisfaction in being able to make a child's day by giving them a brand-new toy that they normally wouldn't be able to have because they were born into unfortunate circumstances.

MTCowgirl's Kosovo News