Saturday, February 3, 2007

Albanian High School Students Stone Serbian Elementary School

A group of Albanian high school students returning from classes stoned and broke windows in a Serbian elementary school.  In a separate and unrelated incident, a Serbian woman was stabbed in North Mitrovica and the perpetrators were seen fleeing to an ethnically mixed neighborhood.  The woman was stabbed outside the Red Cross building where she worked.  The stabbing incident is still being looked into by KPS and it is not yet known if the attack was personal, economic or ethnically motivated.  In another unrelated but ethnically motivated incident in Peja, an Albanian male assaulted a Bosniak male. 
Meanwhile, following the unveiling of the status proposal, Serbia rejected the proposal almost immediately following Ahtisaari's presentation in Belgrade.  Pristina's Albanian government has for the large part accepted the proposal which puts them on the road to independence. However, approximately 200 members of the LDK party gathered to draft a document against certain parts of the proposal (most likely the decentralization portion). While the "I" word is not actually mentioned in the proposal as thought, the proposal does give Kosovo all the characteristics of an independent and sovereign state.
Approximately 30 Albanian members of the national party, registered in Albania, held a peaceful demonstration in Podejevo that called for unification with Albania, with the slogan "one language, one flag, one nation".  The group displayed both Albanian and American flags during the demonstration.  An additional 40 Albanians joined the march after it had begun.

The Vetevendosje (Self-Determination) group is calling for protests on 10 February in Pristina.  I still have to find the Ahtisaari mannequin.  I haven't gotten up to the government building before dark yet :)  The group has been seen around Kosovo handing out pamphlets calling for support for the demonstrations.  In addition to calling for the demonstrations, Vetevendosje has also been handing out information and hanging up posters against the proposed decentralization.  The group held a peaceful protest in Mitrovica in front of the OSCE headquarters denouncing the lack of sovereignty in the proposal and criticizing the protection of Orthodox heritage and minorities.